10 creative places you can use your roller banner

Liz Hall Design - roller banner uses

Roller banners, or pull up or pop up banners, are a great piece of marketing kit.

However, don’t just use yours once and then leave it to gather dust in the corner. Find a place to keep it up permanently or reasons to use it more often. It’s great exposure for you and your business.

Where can I use my roller banner, I hear you ask? 

The answer is literally anywhere. Use your banner to communicate with the general public, to grab the attention of your existing customers or spark the interest of potential new customers. Take a look next time you’re out and you’ll find you’re spotting them all over the place.

But, if you’re in need of a little inspiration, do read on…

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10 easy steps to simplify your small business

Simplify your business - Liz Hall Design

Two things have prompted the idea for this blog, both different but both related.

The first is the fact that I’m on maternity, I’ve added to my brood and I need a business that fits my changed circumstances. I need my business to be easy to run.

The other is my ‘word of the year’, I chose Simplify. My house started to overflow with stuff and I got tired of searching for stuff and tripping over stuff. Stuff I don’t actually need or even want.

As I’ve been sorting through the house, I’ve been going through my office, and it clicked that I needed to simplify my business too. Much of what I’ve been doing in my home life also applies to my business life.

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10 wellbeing tips for you and your small business

wellbeing at work - Liz Hall Design - Logo design, graphic design, Bradford

Running your own business isn’t easy. In many ways it’s much, much harder as we self employed have to wear so many different hats. Add to the mix juggling kids and parents, being constantly switched on to our phones and iPads… it’s no surprise that anxiety and stress is rife. Ok, so that’s the bad bit!

The good bit is that you’re running a fabulous business that you love, you’re your own boss and there’s loads of things you can do to create some wellness in your business life. Small tweaks and changes in your business life can make a huge difference as I’ve learnt over the last few years of running my own graphic design business.

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50 things to throw out of your home office right now

Liz Hall Design - logo designer, graphic designer, Bradford, Yorkshire

A few of my customers recently have been hit by the decluttering bug and have been inspired by my blog Declutter your office and your business. There are a few times in the year when it seems to hit people – September, end of the year going into the new year and Spring time.

It always gets me towards the end of the year, looking back and wanting to clear excess before the start of the new year. I do it in my home in general but it’s especially nice in the office where I inevitably spend much of my day.

If you’re keen to declutter but you’re struggling to know where to start or you just want a quick clear out of excess items, I’ve put together a list of 50 things you can throw out of your office right now.

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Declutter your office and your business

Liz Hall Design, declutter your business, logo design, website design

Every year, as we dip towards Winter with its longer, darkening evenings and the ending off the old year, I feel the urge to discard things I no longer find useful or have never been needed in my home and life.

The declutter bug comes nudging.

And never more is it needed than in my office space where office clutter and business stuff just seems to grow and multiply. I’ve been inspired by the lovely Hazel Dow from Freespace to write a blog about decluttering your office space and making it a beautiful and healthy space to work in.

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8 easy ways to create a happier, healthier workspace

Tips for a happier, healthier workspace

When I first set up my own business one of the first things I did was set up and organise my desk (probably like a lot of you).

I had my lovely, shiny new Mac and I was all ready to go. It wasn’t until quite a few months down the line that I realised that I’d set my desk up just like I’d had it in paid employment – very dull and utalitarian and strewn with papers.

Because I was trying so hard to prove I was serious about my new business venture, my desk got all serious too. It didn’t make me feel very happy and it didn’t make me feel very creative.

My turning point was when I bought a lovely wooden desk and I wanted it to look beautiful. And I wanted to walk into my office every morning and feel energised about starting the day. And it was New year around that time so I was wanting to feel healthier too.

So this culmination of events made me rethink my work space.

Over the past five years, through running my own business, I’ve met some fabulous business owners who have helped me make my life healthier.

So with their help, I’ve put together 8 tips to enhance your work space and make it more healthy.  Continue reading “8 easy ways to create a happier, healthier workspace”
