Scenario one: You’ve finally done it, you’ve had a brand spanking new logo created! You’re excited about it and you want everyone to see it. But what next?
Scenario two: You’ve had your logo for ages, it’s obviously on your business card but where else can you put it? It’s not being seen and no-one seems to recognise it.
Here are ten places you can use your logo so your customers and potentials customers will see it and start to recognise it.
Add your logo to your email signature
It’s an obvious one but how many of us forget to add it or it’s just on the list of things to do when you have a minute. Your email will get seen by tons of people – clients, prospective customers, networking contacts, business contacts – just think how many emails you send out every day.
Pop your logo onto the bottom of yours.
Put your logo on your website
You’ll probably have your logo up on the top of your website pages but you can also add it in other places too.
- A watermark on your header images
- On buttons
- On your Call To Action images
- A favicon
Just don’t go overboard, use it wisely and sparingly.
Use your logo on social media
For most small businesses, social media is a large chunk of their marketing plan – it’s where they spend most of their time promoting themselves. Myself included and most probably, you included.
So it’s the perfect place to give your logo plenty of exposure.
Use a simplified version or an element of your logo as your social media icon and use it across all your social media so people start to recognise you.
Try to use your logo on your header image – it doesn’t always work and it depends on the design. But if you can’t get your logo on there, make sure you use your brand colours, fonts and images.
And most importantly try use your logo on post images and memes. Again, it might not work for every single one but make sure they use your brand colours, fonts and images. If you can’t get your logo on or a watermark version, at the very least include a website or @handle or a hashtag that is business related.
Include your logo on video
Whether it’s for Facebook Live, a Youtube video, a video for your website or online course, try to get a copy of your logo some where. It might be a roller banner in the background, on clothing
Logos and business forms
Take a look at what you send out from your business – it should all be branded and have a copy of your logo on there. Invoices, quotes, receipts, contracts, information packs, FAQ, instructions.
Not only will you be getting your logo in front of more people, your business will look professional and more trustworthy too. 10 reasons to have a logo gives loads more examples why a logo can help your business.
Mail your logo
Your business might send out lots of letters and parcels every day so include your logo on all of it. You might only send out a few items a year, just pop a sticker with your logo on the envelope.
If nothing else, it shows you care about how your business is perceived and hopefully take just as much care with your products and services. It might tempt people to take that last step and buy from you.
Take a look at pretty packaging – 10 fabulous ways to brand your packaging for more inspiration on how to brand your parcels.
Presentations need a logo
Presentations for clients, courses, speakers slots should all be branded and have your logo on every slide. People might be miles away, thinking of other things, but at least if your logo is on every single slide, there’s a chance that it might stay in their memory next time they’re looking to buy from your business.
Add your logo on giveaways and info sheets
Any giveaways or information sheets, no matter how simple should include your logo plus your contact details. I’ve seen so may people hand out information sheets at networking events with no branding or contact details. They can be passed on to anyone and there will be no way for them to know where it came from.
Secondly, the information can easily be copied and passed off as some one elses. If it’s branded properly, it makes it harder.
Remember your logo on your guest blog posts
Guest blogs are a great way to get your knowledge and expertise in front of a new audience. Have a look through your contacts and see whose business you complement – ask them to return the favour and that’s one less blog you need to write!
Just remember to supply a copy of your logo so it can be added to the blog.
Business listings – don’t forget your logo
Business listings often give you an option to add your logo to your listing so don’t miss the opportunity to use it. It’s just another small way customers might see your logo when browsing the internet.
And finally
Use the same logo and colours consistently so you become recognisable. Your customers and potential customers might see you any where, you have no idea what route they’ll take to get in touch with you. Once they start to recognise you, they’ll start thinking about buying from you.
If you’ve found this blog useful, I have a freebie if you sign up to my monthly newsletter with 30 ideas on how you can use your logo and maximise your visual identity.
Liz x