Your business card is probably the smallest piece of marketing you use for your business but it has such HUGE potential. After a networking event or client meeting, the humble business card is the one thing that stays with your potential customer.
This tiny piece of cardboard is a tiny piece of your business, a tiny piece of you. And I see so many business cards which are either blank on the back (such a waste) or they’re not using the back to their full potential.
Fortunately, because most of us go through business cards pretty quickly, it’s not usually too long before you’re ready for a reprint. And when you are, have a think about some of the following ideas. Could you use them for your cards and make them work that little bit harder for you?
Promote your logo
If you really can’t think of anything else to put on the back, put your logo on there. When I get handed a business card, I always flip it over and take a look on the back. At the very least you’re giving your logo a little extra exposure.
Clarify what you do
When I was sorting through my pile of cards I had lots that said Coach or Consultant or something along those lines that was quite vague. If this is your job, be very specific and add a list of services you offer or a short sentence about what you specialise in. Don’t leave potential customers in any doubt what you do or your card will end up in the bin.
Use images of your products
Having an image on the back of your business cards is a brilliant way to showcase your products or services. It’s a good choice for all sorts of businesses, think: hairdresser, architect, florist, caterer, jewellery designer, kitchen designer. If your business is you, how about a great shot of you on the back. But don’t use an old cropped photo – invest in some great photography that really shows you in a positive light. If you’ve already made a great impression, your potential customer will remember that every time they see your picture.
A good testimonial
Some customers may be wary about trying your product or service. What better way to allay their fears than by having a testimonial, ideally one that addresses their fears or gives them peace of mind. Or maybe one that shows how you solved a problem they might be having. You could tie this in with a case study which goes further to show how you can help them.
Thought provoking question
How about a question or statement to engage people? Obviously something that ties in with your business – you don’t want thought provoking questions that have nothing to do with your business!
A map to show where you are
A map is a good choice if you have a shop or maybe premises that are difficult to get to. Is parking easy – add tips on where to park. Even if not difficult to get to, it helps potential customers to visualise where you are.
Recommend a Friend
Very popular with hair dressers and beauty salons but Recommend a Friend can easily be used for many different businesses especially in the wellbeing sector. It can be incorporated into your business card and it gives people a reason to keep hold of your card. This is the type of thing that can be kept in a purse or wallet so even more handy for passing details onto their friends or other contacts.
QR code to direct
If you want to direct people to your website, a blog or a video showcasing your skills, how about a QR code. Make it enticing and part of the design. It’s a great idea if you’re trying to build your email list – scan to download a free e-book or other irresistible freebie.
Special offers
Some businesses offer a free consultation or XX% off the first job to entice potential customers. Why not remind them by having the information on the back of your business card. If they are interested, it gives them a reason to keep the card. And it reminds them.
Useful information
Can you give people some free useful information about your business? Not lots of information as you don’t want your card to look busy and messy. Perhaps three tips to help them: take care of their nails or hair, de-stress and relax, take care of their PC, take photos for their business, a recipe… you get the idea.
Essentially what we’re trying to do is get customers and potential customers to keep our cards and not assign them to the dreaded filing system in the waste paper bin.
And not only to keep our cards but also to drive traffic to our websites, to our blogs and to our social media accounts. Give people a reason to pick up the phone and call, or email, or arrange a meeting. A reason to sign up for a special offer or a fabulous freebie.
I’d love to hear how you promote your business with your business card – let me know in the comments.
Liz x
Hi Liz
Some good tips in your post. Thank you
Glad you’ve found it useful, Kathryn